Regional Directorate, Chandigarh

Name of Regional Directorate: Chandigarh
Jurisdiction: Haryana, Punjab, UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Chandigarh
Address: Bay No. 1 & 2, Sector 14, Panchkula, Haryana-134113

Name of Regional Director: Shri. Lalit Goel
Contact details of Regional Directorate: Phone: 0172-2992857, Fax: 0172-2992657, Mob. No.- 9311765337


Google Map link (Route map of directorate):


Financial support by NCDC: Up to 31.04.2024 , NCDC has provided total assistance of ₹ 45961.45 crore benefiting various Cooperative projects/units as below:      

Cooperatives in Haryana:

S.No. Category of Societies Number
1 State Level Cooperative Organizations (representing Marketing, Dairy Handloom Weavers, Fishermen, Sericulture, Oilseed, Sheep & Goat, Credit and Banking etc.) 10
2 District  Central Co-operative Banks 19
3 District PARDB 19
4 Labour & Construction Union 21
5 Primary Credit Cooperative Societies 890
6 Dairy Cooperatives 6249
7 Marketing Cooperatives 69
8 Cooperative Sugar Mills 11
9 Labour Cooperative Societies 4500
10 Transport societies 958
11 Fruit & Vegetable societies  74
12 Industrial Societies 193
13 Poultry Societies 109
14 Other types of societies 3510
  Total 16632

Implementation of NCDC Programmes in Haryana:

Financial support by NCDC: Up to 31.03.2024, NCDC has provided total assistance of ₹45961.45 Crore benefiting various Cooperative projects/units as below:                                                                                                                                               

S.No. Scheme/Activity Cumulative Disbursements as on
31-03-2024   (₹ in crore)
1 Marketing 124.2
2 Inputs 0.63
3 Agro-processing 356.31
4 Storage 140.05
5 Rural Consumer 2.47
6 ICDP 302.88
7 Weaker sections 0.36
8 Promo.& Other Activities 0.09
9 CIC &SC 14.39
10 Computerization 0.31
11 Fruits &Vegetables 0.27
12 Housing Coop. 50.04
13 Working Capital(M&I) 44968.73
14 FPO 0.66
   Total 45961.45

Sector wise cumulative disbursements










Achievements during last 5 years (Up to 31.03.2024)

Year Assistance (₹ in crore)
Sanctions Disbursements
(Rs. in crore)
Number Amount
2019-20 6 8900 6608.56
2020-21 14 12527.32 6645.11
2021-22 4 7636.48 12825.95
2022-23 11 16322.26 6655.76
2023-24 10 12288.62 9885.43

Highlights of the programmes assisted and other relevant achievements/ issues during the last 5 years (2019-20 to 2023-24): 

There has been an exponential growth Year on Year and assistance has covered maximum sectors, i.e. marketing, ICDP, Sugar processing, storage, consumer, industrial and service cooperatives etc.

ICDP: One of the important Schemes of the NCDC is “Integrated Cooperative Development Project (ICDP) Scheme” which was introduced in the year 1985-86 and aims at:

  • Development of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies as multi-purpose self-reliant entities;
  • Development of allied sector cooperatives; and
  • Development of viable functional linkages among cooperatives.

In the Haryana State, 6 more districts (Panipat, Sonepat, Kaithal, Karnal, Gurugram and Kurukshetra) have been sanctioned for second phase of the project. Total cumulative financial assistance of Rs. Rs.302.88 crore has been released in favour of ICDP in the State of Haryana till 31.3.2024.



  • To generate more opportunities through cooperatives.
  • To attract more youths of the country to cooperative business ventures.
  • To double the income of the farmers by providing new sources of employment by 2022.
  • To strengthen the economic condition of the farmers by increasing their earnings, through the development of the states.

          Under SAHAKAR 22, NCDC officials are personally interacted with Presidents/Chairmen/Secretaries of primary cooperatives. During the interaction many challenges and requirements have been identified and requisite information collected in prescribed format. The interaction will be utilized for bringing awareness among the cooperators about the new schemes and initiatives of NCDC, to help the cooperatives in identifying new activities to develop and diversify their business.

Central Sector Scheme for Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FPOs

Government of India has launched a new Central Sector Scheme titled "Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmer Produce Organizations (FPOs)" with a clear strategy and committed resources to form and promote 10,000 new FPOs in the country with budgetary provision of Rs 6865 crore.

Under this Central Sector Scheme with funding from Government of India, formation & Promotion of FPOs are to be done through the Implementing Agencies (IAs).

Implementing Agencies (IAs) will engage Cluster Based Business Organizations (CBBOs) to aggregate, registered & provide professional handholding support to each FPO for a period of 5 years. CBBOs have been empanelled & engaged by IAs. CBBOs will be the platform for an end to end knowledge for all issues related to FPO promotion.

NCDC is nominated as a Nodal agency to implement this scheme in pan India. Under this scheme, 21 blocks have been allotted to NCDC in the 5 districts of the Haryana State.

Sahakar Pragya: This initiative was launched by Hon’ble Federal Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar on 24.11.2020 for providing the training to Primary Level Cooperative employees. Till 31.03.2024, RTC, Chandigarh has organized seven Training Programme under the supervision of LINAC, Gurugram

Initiatives for development of Aspirational Districts (identified by NITI Aayog) through Cooperatives:  

Emphasis is now to contribute in the development of Aspirational District identified by NITI Aayog in the State i.e. Mewat (Nuh). Rs. 12.50 Lakhs were sanctioned and released for strengthening the share capital base of the Ghasera PACS in District Mewat (Nuh). Some part of this district has also been identified for the development through ICDP Gurugram. ICD Project is sanctioned for the Mewat district for the infrastructure development of the cooperatives in the region. 

Development Opportunities in the Haryana: 

Haryana is a power house of India in terms of economic & cooperative development in general and due to its strategic location in New Delhi NCR, in particular.  The State has good numbers of PACS, CMSs and other type of cooperatives and these societies can become more effective by acting as hub for rural development. For this to happen, the State and NCDC has to analyze the strength and gaps of present system at district as well as State level. 
      Cooperatives can not only help in taking up agriculture and allied activities but also may venture in health, transport, insurance sectors. 

Success Stories:

Jaharmukt Products FPO Cooperative Multipurpose Society Limited, established by NCDC on February 6, 2023, in Hansi-II block, Haryana, has swiftly become a model of success in promoting organic farming and poison-free agricultural produce. Within a year, the FPO built a customer base of over 1,000 households in the Delhi/NCR region, with more than 50% of its members from the SC category and significant participation from women in Self-Help Groups (SHGs). The FPO's innovative approach has helped farmers retain and process their produce, reducing transportation costs and increasing profits. By securing orders from wholesale dealers and managing procurement and packaging operations effectively, the FPO sold products worth Rs. 90 lakhs at the Surajkund Fair and achieved direct sales of Rs. 25 lakh in 2023-24. Looking ahead, the FPO plans to establish millet processing units and new sales centers, targeting over Rs. 2 crore in sales for 2024-25, demonstrating how strategic collective action can transform agricultural marketing and support sustainable farming.






Cooperatives in Punjab:

S.No. Category of Societies Number
1 State Level Cooperative Organizations (representing Marketing, Dairy Handloom Weavers, Fishermen, Sericulture, Oilseed, Sheep & Goat, Credit and Banking) 10
2 District Central Co-operative Banks 20
3 Primary Credit Cooperative Societies 89
4 Dairy Cooperatives 6470
5 Marketing Cooperatives 84
6 Cooperative Sugar Mils 15
7 Labour Cooperative Society 2141
8 Transport Societies 148
9 Fruit and Vegitables Societies 140
10 Other type of Societies 1146
  Total 10263

Implementation of NCDC Programmes in Punjab

Financial support by NCDC: Up to 31.03.2024, NCDC has provided total assistance of ₹2820.43 crore benefiting various Cooperative projects/units as below:

S.No. Scheme/Activity Cumulative Disbursements as on
31-03-2024 (Rs. in crore)
1 Marketing & Inputs 1952.08
2 ICDP in selected districts 17.18
3 Cooperative Sugar Mills 104.32
4 Ginning, spinning , food grains, Fruit & Vegetable, Oilseed  etc. 60.69
5 Storage & Cold Storage  44.81
6 Consumer Cooperatives 5.62
7 Industrial & Service Cooperatives 588.86
8 Assistance for computerization 0.21
9 Weaker section Cooperative 42.07
10 Promotional & Developmental Role & CSR 3.60
11 FPO Grant for formation and incubation 0.99
   Total 2820.43

Sector wise cumulative disbursements












Achievements during last 5 years (Up to 31.03.2024)

Year Assistance
Sanctions Disbursements
(Rs. in crore)
Number Amount
2019-20 Nil Nil 130.13
2020-21 1 200.00 13.95
2021-22 Nil Nil 0.128
2022-23 6 10003.93 0.917
2023-24 5 18702.70 1650.44

Highlights of the programmes assisted and other relevant achievements/ Issues: In Punjab:

The Road Map

Highlights of the programmes assisted and other relevant achievements/ issues during the above period: There has been an exponential growth YoY and assistance has covered maximum sectors, i.e. marketing, ICDP, Sugar processing, cold storage, consumer, industrial, dairy and service cooperatives etc. Brief on sectors benefitted by NCDC funding are as under:-

  1. Marketing and Inputs: Rs. 1952.08  crore released to Punjab Markfed and Primary Marketing Societies in the State.
  2. Integrated Cooperative Development Project (ICDP): Rs.17.180 crore released in favour of two Integrated Cooperative Development Projects in Ferozepur and Hoshiarpur during 1994-2000.
  3. Sugar: Rs.94.94 crore released in favour of 19 beneficiaries till date in 2016-17, Rs.41.75 crore was sanctioned for modernization of the sugar mill of Coop. Sugar Mills Limited, Bhogpur out of which Rs 41.75 crore stands released till date. Apart from this, Rs. 13.95 Crore has been released to The Bhogpur Cooperative Sugar Mill under the scheme of Sugar Development Fund.
  4. Ginning, Pressing and Spinning, Food grains, F&V and Oilseed:   Rs.45.94 crore released in favour of 19 beneficiaries. Rs.14.75 crore released to 21 small & medium processing units like rice mills, cannery etc. 
  5. Storage: Rs.44.81 crore is released for 4751 godown units comprising 3921 rural godowns and 830 marketing godowns of a capacity of 19.877 lakh MT.
  6. Consumer cooperatives: Rs.5.62 crores released to 2666 societies for rural consumer business.
  7. Credit cooperatives: Cumulatively NCDC has released Rs.579.15 crore to credit cooperatives in the State. Main beneficiary being Punjab State Central Cooperative Bank and Punjab State Cooperative Agriculture Development Bank.
  8. Weaker section Cooperative (Dairy Cooperatives) Handloom Cooperatives: Margin money assistance of Rs.35.934 crore provided to  Milkfed Punjab. Rs.3.86 crore is released in favour of handloom cooperatives in the State. The major beneficiary of the assistance was WEAVCO (State federation of handloom cooperatives). The assistance was provided for Shoddy Processing Unit, Ludhiana, post-loom processing facility centres at Hoshiarpur and Amritsar.
  9. Promotion & Development & CSR: Rs.15.00 lakh released for establishment of T&P Cell in Spinfed. Further, Rs.7.70 lakh was released in favour of one society for purchase of Medical Ambulance under CSR.

FPO: Under the Central Sector Scheme for Formation and Promotion of 10000 FPOs, total 17 FPOs allotted in Punjab for 2020-21. Total 9 blocks also allotted to NCDC in Punjab for the financial year 2022-23. & 9 blocks also allotted to NCDC in Punjab under reference Year 2023-24. Disbursement of 21.1 Lakh under Equity Grant, 47.22 lakh under FPO management Cost & 54.79 Lakh under CBBO Cost Grant has been done under the scheme for total 35 FPOs. As on date, Rs. 123.11 lakh has been released under this scheme.

Focused are for Cooperative Development Opportunities in Punjab:

NCDC sanctioned working capital assistance of Rs.200 crore to Punjab State Cooperative Agriculture Development Bank in August 2018. The Bank has availed whole sanctioned amount in two installments Rs.89.00 crore & Rs. 111 crore. In which amount of Rs. 111 crore has released in February 2020.  The Bank submitted a proposal for seeking Rs. 200 Crore from NCDC which was sanctioned by NCDC on 29.01.2021. Ncdc sanctioned State Govt. of Punjab Rs. 10000 crore for MSP operation for paddy procurement but funds could not be released as the letter of credit from FCI is not received. Rs. 1650 crore has been released to Govt. of Punjab for meeting out the funds requirement of Markfed Punjab during KMS 2023-24.  This is the highest trench of release in the history of Punjab where assistance is provided through NCDC. Follow up with the State Government for Integrated Cooperative Development Programme (ICDP) and proposals for rehabilitation of sugar mills in the State.

Aspirational Districts: Emphasis is now to contribute in the development of Aspirational District identified by NITI Aayog in the State i.e. Moga and Ferozepur. Efforts are being made to provide financial assistance to cooperative societies of these districts.  Analysis of the PACS was done in these districts during summer intern project. Both the aspirational districts have been covered under Sahakar 22 during the year.  4 blocks have also been identified in the Moga distrtict under CSS FPO scheme out of which 2 FPO has been registered in  Moga District.



  • To generate more opportunities through cooperatives.
  • To attract more youths of the country to cooperative business ventures.
  • To double the income of the farmers by providing new sources of employment by 2022.
  • To strengthen the economic condition of the farmers by increasing their earnings, through the development of the states.

          Under SAHAKAR 22, NCDC officials are personally interacted with Presidents/Chairmen/Secretaries of primary cooperatives. During the interaction many challenges and requirements have been identified and requisite information collected in prescribed format. The interaction will be utilized for bringing awareness among the cooperators about the new schemes and initiatives of NCDC, to help the cooperatives in identifying new activities to develop and diversify their business.

Sahakar Pragya: This initiative was launched by Hon’ble Federal Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar on 24.11.2020 for providing the training to Primary Level Cooperative employees. Till 31.03.2023 RTC, Chandigarh has organized12 Training Programmes under the supervision of LINAC, Gurugram.

Success Stories:

The Hariawal Farmer Producer Cooperative Society Ltd. Khosa Pando and The Rau Farmer Producer Cooperative Society Ltd. Rauke Kalan stand as exemplary models of successful Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in Moga, Punjab, facilitated by the guidance of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Budh Singh Wala. These FPOs were established in May 2022 with clear objectives of processing agricultural products like spices, pulses, and oilseeds. With KVK's pivotal role in mobilizing farmers through awareness camps, both FPOs swiftly garnered memberships totalling 620 farmers. Bolstered by substantial financial support, including management grants and equity grants, they meticulously crafted 18-month business plans focusing on market expansion and product diversification. Through KVK's assistance, they honed their processing capabilities, accessed wider markets, and even ventured into branding and quality assurance measures, aiming for AGMARK certification and FSSAI licenses. These FPOs not only uplift local farmers economically but also contribute to community development and agricultural sustainability. With a promising future ahead, fuelled by dedication and support, The Hariawal and The Rau FPOs embody the transformative potential of collective agricultural endeavours, signalling a brighter future for rural economies.

Important activities /programme / webinars/ book launch/ video launched/Press releases/ NCDC featured news under the jurisdiction of Regional Directorate: 

  1. Training Programme

One Day Training Program on "General Management, Business Development and Asset Management" for Secretaries/Managers, Accountants and other staff of Primary Level Cooperative Societies/SHGs on 4th August, 2023 at NIDO Hotel, Zirakpur - Punjab by Regional Directorate of NCDC, Chandigarh 44 participants from different parts of Punjab and Haryana participated in the programme.

2. RD, NCDC Chandigarh addressed in the AGM of ‘The Lambra Kangri MPCS’ District Hoshiarpur (Punjab). The society has adopted Model Bye-Laws as per Ministry of Cooperation, GoI.

Jammu and Kasmir

Cooperatives in J&K:

S.No. Category of Societies Number
1 UT Level Cooperative Organizations  05
2 District  Co-operative Banks 03
3 Urban Co-operative Banks 04
4 Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies 607
5 Cooperative consumer stores 98
6 Primary Housing societies 106
7 Central Level Societies 102
8 Sale & Service Societies 29
9 Others  478
  Total 1432

Implementation of NCDC Programmes: In J&K

Financial support by NCDC:

Up to 31.03.2024, NCDC has provided total assistance of ₹40.76 crore benefiting various Cooperative projects/units as below:


S.No. Scheme/Activities Cumulative Disbursements as on
31.03.2024 (Rs. in crore)
1 Marketing & Inputs 1.25
2 ICDP in selected districts 10.26
3 Agro-processing (food-grains, F&V and Oilseed) 5.47
4 Storage & Cold Storage  0.57
5 Consumer Cooperatives 0.35
6 Weaker section Cooperatives 21.42
7 Promotion & Development and CSR 0.06
8 FPO/FFPO 1.38
  Total 40.76

Sector wise cumulative disbursements 
















Achievements during last 5 years (Up to 31.03.2024):

Year Assistance
Sanctions Disbursements
(Rs. in crore)
Number Amount
2019-20 Nil Nil Nil
2020-21 Nil Nil Nil
2021-2022 Nil Nil Nil
2022-2023 15 2.22 0.68
2023-2024 29 15.59 0.70

Highlights of the programmes assisted and other relevant achievements/ issues during the last 5 years:

  • The corporation’s schemes are mainly implemented in the state through various state government departments viz. Department of Finance, Cooperation, Animal husbandry (Poultry) etc. The assistance for poultry projects has provided employment to large no. of youth in the state besides becoming inspiration for others.

  • ICD projects in 2 districts have been completed. Apart from this RKVY-Capacity building trainings have been undertaken by the corporation in the state for the development of farmers through cooperatives.

New Initiatives:

ICDP & Dairy: DPR for ICD project in Leh and Kargil has been prepared and is under consideration of UT Level Coordination Committee. Apart from this NCDC is focused on initiating new Poultry projects in the state. The state government may soon be coming up with projects in dairy sector to fulfil the demand of state for dairy products. State Government is also keen to start an apiculture project in the state.

FPO& FFPO:- NCDC is an implementing agency for providing Financial assistance and support under the schemes FPO & FFPO.The main focus is to formulate and promote all FPOs as assigned by Government of India.

Ref Yr 2020-21: Total 12 FPOs were allocated in UT J&K. Equity Grant Disbursed is 21.05 Lakh, FPO Management Cost Disbursed is 57.37 lakh and CBBO Cost Grant disbursed is 66.97 Lakh.

Ref Yr. 2023-24: Under FPO by PACS Scheme, total 69 FPOs have been allocated out of which total 35 FPOs are registered till date.



  • To generate more opportunities through cooperatives.
  • To attract more youths of the country to cooperative business ventures.
  • To double the income of the farmers by providing new sources of employment by 2022.
  • To strengthen the economic condition of the farmers by increasing their earnings, through the development of the states.

          Under SAHAKAR 22, NCDC officials are personally interacted with Presidents/Chairmen/Secretaries of primary cooperatives. During the interaction many challenges and requirements have been identified and requisite information collected in prescribed format. The interaction will be utilized for bringing awareness among the cooperators about the new schemes and initiatives of NCDC, to help the cooperatives in identifying new activities to develop and diversify their business.

Initiatives for development of Aspirational Districts (identified by NITI Aayog) through Cooperatives:

Emphasis is now to contribute to development of Aspirational Districts identified by NITI Aayog in the State i.e. Baramulla & Kupwara. One primary society in Kupwara district was given NCDC Regional Award for Excellence in Cooperatives. In Aspirational Districts Kupwara, 1 FFPO is sanctioned.

Development Opportunities in the state through Cooperatives:

Jammu and Kashmir, being a hilly state, is blessed with naturally occurring micro agro-climatic regions suitable for cultivation of a wide range of agri-horticultural crops with a great potential for development. But the level of farm mechanization in the state is very poor with respect to mechanical power, efficient implements, water management, land reclamation, renewable energy and post-harvest technology sectors. The farm mechanization is badly hampered by stepped, small and irregular fields, undulating topography, lack of skilled man-power, poor facilities of repair, maintenance and manufacture of implements and high cost solar gadgets. Immediate attention of the state government and other funding agencies is required to strengthen the agricultural engineering wing in Jammu and Kashmir. A strong cell of agricultural engineering should be created to handle the farm mechanization problems. Despite various constraints, there is a great scope for increasing productivity of land and farmer's economy through creation of small water resources for irrigation, land development, use of efficient farm power and implements, rain water harvest, disseminating renewable energy gadgets and introducing small scale agro- based industries employing post harvest engineering principles.

Horticulture plays a vital role in the economic development of the state. With an annual turnover of over ₹3 billion (US$43 million), apart from foreign exchange of over ₹800 million (US$12 million), this sector is the next biggest source of income in the state's economy. The region of Kashmir is known for its horticulture industry. Horticultural produce from the state includes apples, apricots, cherries, pears, plums, almonds and walnuts.
Handicraft is J&K’s traditional industry and occupies an important place in the economy of the state. Kashmiri silk carpets are famous globally and earn substantial foreign exchange. Wood from Kashmir, popularly  known as Kashmir  willow,  is used to make high-quality cricket bats. The cottage handicrafts industry  provides direct and gainful employment to around 340,000 artisans.

Success Stories in J&K:

The Kashmir Shehjar, based in Block Tral, Distt. Pulwama, has transformed into a remarkable success story as a Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) specializing in organic honey. Initially facing challenges typical of unorganized enterprises such as fluctuating market prices, lack of economies of scale, and absence of digital presence, The Kashmir Shehjar identified these hurdles as opportunities for growth. With determination and strategic planning, they organized 200 farmers into a cohesive FPO, leveraging government schemes like the CSS for Formation and Promotion of 10000 FPOs. Through comprehensive training programs and skill development initiatives, they equipped their members with the technical know-how needed to enhance honey production and wax processing capabilities. Additionally, they tackled branding, labeling, and marketing challenges, participating in outside exhibitions and establishing a digital presence by registering on platforms like ONDC and various social networking sites.

The results of their efforts speak volumes: The Kashmir Shehjar now boasts an impressive annual turnover of 21.31 crores. They've achieved significant milestones, producing 495 quintals of honey annually, including specialized varieties such as Mustard, Sulal Honey, and Acacia. Furthermore, they've diversified their business operations, venturing into the production of bee pollen. This remarkable journey has not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the Certificate of Appreciation they received from SKUAST-Kashmir, recognizing their dedication and excellence in the field. The Kashmir Shehjar's success serves as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of organized collective action and innovative entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector.

Important activities /programme / webinars/ book launch/ video launched/Press releases/ NCDC featured news under the jurisdiction of Regional Directorate: 

NCDC organizes FFPO training program in collaboration with SKAUST -Kashmir :- NCDC Regional Directorate, Chandigarh organized a three-day (22 to 24 August 2023) training cum awareness program on Fish Farmer Producer Organizations (FFPOs) promoted by the Department of Fisheries, Government of India under the Central Sector Scheme Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY). Done in Srinagar. The program was organized in collaboration with Directorate of Extension, SKAUST-Kashmir, Department of Cooperation and Fisheries, Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. About 30 fish farmers/fishermen participated in the programme.

On this occasion, NCDC officials welcomed all the participants and guests and presented the outline of various schemes of NCDC. Chief guest of the program Prof. Dr. Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Director Extension, SKAUST-Kashmir in his keynote address wished that the FFPOs formed under this scheme will set a milestone and bring new opportunities for the unemployed youth of the valley. Apart from fish farmers, the program was attended by Mrs. Bilkis Wani, Joint Registrar Cooperative Societies-UT, Jammu and Kashmir, Cooperative Department and Heads of Department of Fisheries, scientists and officers.

Training programmes of FFPO

National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), Chandigarh in collaboration with Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Jammu (SKUAST-Jammu) organised 2 training programmes for members of Barderkashi Fish farmer producer organization.Ist Program was conducted between 27th Feb to 29th Feb 2024 on "Ecosystem approach towards Business Development and Market access ".And 2nd Program was organised on 1st March regarding "Management of customer hiring center".

A Fish Farmer Producer Organization (FFPO) in District Doda has been promoted as CBBO by SKUAST-Jammu under the leadership of Prof. B.N.  Tripathi Honorable Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu. The training program was inaugurated by Dr. Sudhakar Dwivedi, Dean Student Welfare, SKUAST-Jammu in the presence of Shri Joginder Lal Sharma, Assistant Director Fisheries, DODA and Shri  Krishna Sachdev Nodal Officer of NCDC.

During Both Events 30 Participants from FFPO attended the training program. The detailed lectures on respective topics were delivered by Experts imparting necessary knowledge among FFPO members about Business Development.